Thursday, September 4, 2008


He did it! He survived the first (and second) day of Kindergarten! As you can tell, it was a very sunny and hot day. Cooperstown Elementary does a fun first day. The parents are invited for the whole (shortened) day. We did a bus safety drill, got to know the classroom, had a picnic lunch, and saw a fun concert. It was a good way for the kids to get to know their new surroundings. They also gave the kids a t-shirt that says "Cooperstown Kindergarten" on it and after school we walked up and down center street to different stores who handed out treats to all the new kindergarteners that were wearing their shirt. It made them feel very special.

George was a little nervous this morning going by himself for the first time, but settled right in and got off the bus this afternoon with a big smile and a big hug for mom! When I asked him what he did today he said, " I don't really remember." I'm thinking-you've been gone ALL DAY and you don't "really remember" what you did? I did manage to extract some information: he built a robot with a new friend, Alex, he went to music and art class, and played outside. He also told me, "We haven't really started to learn yet."

I'm so proud of my big boy! What a super kid.


Karolyn said...

Wow. The city gives out candy to the kindergartners? you live in an amazing place. I'm so glad to hear that George is enjoying kindergarten. He's looking so grown up.

Jessica Mosteller said...

Congrats to George. Sounds like the town does fun things. Hopefully you will enjoy some peace and quited with him gone all day. We miss you!